•    2024年6月22日更新 ユーチューブ(語り部 Baobab)

脱兎物語 story

  • 『脱兎』の由来
  • 月からこぼれ落ちた兎の子
  • ずっとずっと昔のことでございます。
  • A baby rabbit that fell from the moon
  • It was a long, long time ago.
    This is the time when "Kaguyahime", who was raised by an old bamboo cutter, returns to the moon. On the moon, they were busy making preparations to welcome the princess. The Moon Rabbit was also busy pounding rice cakes to celebrate. The baby rabbits went off to play out of reach of their mother and somehow fell off the moon.
  • 地上の兎
  •  子兎たちが落ちた地上は、いくさの絶えない世界でした。
    子兎たちは、飛んだり跳ねたりは得意でしたので、あっちこっちと逃げているうちに、みなバラバラになってしまいました。そばに、兄弟姉妹(きょうだい)たちがいないことに気づいた子兎は、悲しくて、泣きそうになって空を見上げますと、月が輝いております。そこには、おかあさん兎の姿がありました。方、おかあさん兎も、子どもたちがいないことに気づいて探しておりました。ちょっと目を離したすきに、子どもたちが月からこぼれ落ちてしまったと知って、月の窓に精一杯からだを押し付け、地上を見ておりました。 子兎たちは、どんなに勇気づけられたことでございましょう。
  • Baby rabbit on earth
  • The earth where the baby rabbits fell was a world of constant war. The baby rabbits were very good at jumping and hopping. As they ran from place to place, they all fell apart.The baby rabbit noticed that none of his brothers or sisters were nearby. The baby rabbit was so sad that he looked up at the sky, almost crying, and the moon was shining brightly. There was a mother rabbit on the moon. Meanwhile, the mother rabbit also noticed that the children were missing and was looking for them. When I looked away for a moment, I learned that the children had fallen from the moon. The mother rabbit pressed her body as hard as she could against the moon's window and looked down at the earth. How encouraged the baby rabbits must have been.。
  • 脱兎のごとく
  • 戦火をかわし、逃げて行く兎を目にした軍師のなかに、『兵法』を見いだした人もおりました。
  • Like a rabbit getting away
  • Some strategists who saw the rabbit fleeing the flames of war discovered the art of war. I realized that when attacking an enemy, it is best to approach with a fresh attitude and then act quickly like a rabbit. This story has been passed down forever. However, it is a terrible ordeal for the baby rabbits who fell from the moon. Rabbits wander in search of a safe place.Among them,  there was a rabbit who met a woodtumer and traveled in search of a quiet and beautiful forest. This is not just an escape. It is a journey in pursuit of harmony.

    • 京都北山へ辿り着いた兎たち
    •  こうして、兎が辿り着いた先が、京の都の北のほうの山でございました。
      最初に月からこぼれ落ちた子兎たちは、散り散りになりながらも、たくさんの子孫を残しました。その子孫たちの誰もが、おかあさん兎を知っています京都北山で、であった兎たちは、おかあさん兎を通して、すぐに打ち解けました。 ご存じのように、月では誰も歳を取りません。おかあさん兎は、ずっと地上の子供たちをやさしく見守っております。 北山の兎たちは、他国から来た兎たちを歓迎し、この地で醸したお酒をふるまい、 宴(うたげ)を催しました。 それからは、頭上に、おかあさん兎が輝くとき、京都北山では、兎たちが宴(うたげ)を開き、琴を奏(かな)でては、酒を酌み交わすようになったのでございます。
    • おかあさん兎の心をなごませるかのように……。
    • Rabbits that arrived at Kitayama, Kyoto
    • And so the rabbit ended up in the mountains north of Kyoto. It was around the time when the Heike clan, which was at its peak of prosperity, fled from Kyoto. An increasing number of rabbits, who had been scattered all over the country, began to head for "Kyoto Kitayama." Everyone has secret feelings in their hearts. That feeling is “Moon Rabbit”. It's about the mother rabbit. The baby rabbits that first fell from the moon were scattered. However, they left many descendants. All the descendants know about the mother rabbit of the moon.
      When the rabbits met in Kitayama, Kyoto, they quickly became friends through their mother rabbit. As you know, no one ages on the Moon. Mother Rabbit gently watches over her children on Earth from the moon. The rabbits of Kitayama welcomed the rabbits from other countries. The rabbits of Kitayama welcomed the rabbits from other countries, and held a banquet, serving them locally brewed sake. From then on, when the Mother Rabbit of the Moon was shining, the rabbits in the Kitayama area of Kyoto would hold banquets, play the harp, and drink sake together.
    • As if to soothe the mother rabbit's heart...

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